- LEE, S. N.; PARK, C. H.; PARK, Y. H. 한국 합기도의 형성 및 발전에 관한 고찰 A Study on the Formation and Development of Korean Hapkido. 한국체육과학회지 Korean Journal of Sports Science. Vol. 15, N° 2, 2006, pp. 3-583
The purpose of this study is to establish the identity of Korean Hapkido and seek the direction to develop Korean Hapkido suitable for the current social and cultural shapes by presenting new data and materials to the domestic Hapkido research. To do so, the formation background of Koran Hapkido, genealogy, unfolding trends including the evolution of organizations, and principles and technique system of Hapkido have been investigated. The conclusion investigated through all this is as follows: First, the origin of Hapkido derives from "Daedongryu Hapki Jiu Jitsu", and the founder is "Samrang Woneuigang of Shilla". Various evidences that he is Shilla person are indicated in many sources. In view of this, the original form is considered to be the martial art of the ancient Three Kingdoms, especially, Shilla. Secondly, the Korean Hapkido was introduced to Korea by Choi Yong-Sool, along with the liberation from Japanese Colonial Rule, who learned under the instruction of Daketa Sougaku of Japan, the founder who restored the Daedongryu Hapki Jiu Jitsu, The history of Korean Hapkido has been unfolded, since the first admission of Suh Bok-Seop to the Korean Hapkido in 1948. Thirdly, various names of Daedongryu Hapki Jiu Jitsu, which had been used as , Yawara" , "Hapki martial art" and "Hapk Ki jiu jitsu martial art" in a mixed way, have been called "Hapkido", since 1958. The full-fledged propagation of Hapkido, centered on the government authorities, by Kim Mu-Hong, Mun Jong-Won and Ji Han-Jae started. The genealogy of Korean Hapkido has been divided and developed into the direct line of Choi Yong-Sool and genealogies focused on Kim Mu-Hong and centered on Ji Han-Jae, Fourthly, in the process, many organizations sprang up and an integrated organization, "Korea Hapkido Association" was founded in 1973 with great efforts of some willful Hapkido people. However, the integrated organization did not fulfill its role for a long time, due to selfish desire of some organization chiefs, and was divided into sectors. In this manner, many organizations have been currently formed. Fifthly, the principle of Hapkido lies in circle, flow and harmony. Regarding the techniques, there are a turning kick developed by Kim Mu-Hong and Ji Han-Jae as the legitimate technique; Also, the striking techniques such as fist defending technique (방권술) and kick defending technique(방족술) developed by Kim Jung-Soo were additionally researched and developed. With all this, unique technique system of Korean Hapkido was considered to be shaped, different from Japanese Aikido. Sixthly, Korean Hapkido has educational value and the value as an alternative subject matter of the modem sports. Korean Hapkido has been recognized as a representative self-defense martial art and living martial art along with Taekwondo. Hapkido is recognized as a Korean cultural martial art product by many Hapkido masters who have been sent and penetrated abroad. The items such as techniques of hauling a person, arresting a person and self-defense, which use the typical techniques of Hapkido, have been designated as the subjects of police and guard-related departments of universities. They have also been organized as practical training subjects for the police and guard related companies. In the development process of Korean Hapkido, many problems, such as the non¬establishment of legitimacy, due to obscure perception of history, lack of unified training instructions, deriving from diverse changes of techniques and insufficient administrative strength, arising from many organizations, have been exposed. The tasks to be resolved for the further development of Korean Hapkido are to establish legitimacy through academic studies, systematize techniques through maintenance of theory & techniques and develop Hapkido training program for its popularization. Above all, however, the building an integrated system of Korean Hapkido that can be managed in an integrated manner should come first.
키워드 keywords: Formation, Development, Korean Hapkido
O propósito deste estudo é estabelecer a identidade do Hapkido Coreano e buscar uma direção para o desenvolvimento apropriado do Hapkido Coreano segundo o atual formato social e cultural, apresentando novos dados e materiais para a pesquisa doméstica de Hapkido. Para tanto, foram investigados a formação de base do Hapkido Coreano, a genealogia, os desdobramentos incluindo a evolução das organizações, os princípios e o sistema de técnicas do Hapkido. A conclusão investigada através de tudo isso é a seguinte: Primeiro, a origem do Hapkido deriva do "Daedongryu Hapki Jiu Jitsu", e o fundador é "Samrang Woneuigang de Shilla". Várias evidências de que ele foi uma pessoa de Shilla são indicadas em diversas fontes. Em vista disso, sua forma original é considerada ser a arte marcial dos Três Reinos, especialmente Shilla. Segundo, o Hapkido Coreano foi introduzido na Coreia por Choi Yong-Sool, juntamente à liberação do Governo Colonial Japonês; ele aprendera sob a instrução de Daketa Sougaku do Japão, o fundador que restaurou o Daedongryu Hapki Jiu Jitsu. A história do Hapkido Coreano tem se desdobrado desde a primeira admissão de Suh Bok-Seop ao Hapkido Coreano em 1948. Terceiro, diversos nomes de Daedongryu Hapki Jiu Jitsu, os quais foram usados de maneira misturada como "Yawara" , "arte marcial Hapki" e "arte marcial Hap Ki jiu jitsu" , tem sido chamados de "Hapkido", desde 1958. A propagação abrangente do Hapkido, centrou-se em autoridades governamentais, começando através de Kim Mu-Hong, Mun Jong-Won e Ji Han-Jae. A genealogia do Hapkido Coreano tem sido dividida e desenvolvida em linha direta desde Choi Yong-Sool, além de genealogias focadas em Kim Mu-Hong e centradas em Ji Han-Jae. Quarto, nesse processo, muitas organizações emergiram e uma organização integrada, a "Korea Hapkido Association" foi fundada em 1973 com grandes esforços de algumas obstinadas pessoas do Hapkido. Entretanto, a organização integrada não realizou o seu papel por muito tempo devido ao desejo autocentrado de alguns chefes da organização, e foi dividida em setores. Dessa maneira, muitas organizações foram sendo criadas. Quinto, os princípios de Hapkido se apoiam em circularidade, fluidez e harmonia. Quanto às técnicas, há chutes giratórios desenvolvidos por Kim Mu-Hong e Ji Han-Jae como técnica legítima, houve a adicional introdução da técnica de chute com salto (비공족술), e tangsu. Também, técnicas contundentes como a técnica de defesa contra socos (방권술) e a técnica de defesa contra chutes (방족술) desenvolvidas por Kim Jung-Soo foram adicionalmente pesquisadas e acrescidas. Com tudo isso, um sistema técnico único de Hapkido Coreano foi considerado formado, diferente do Aikido Japonês. Sexto, o Hapkido Koreano tem um valor educacional e valor como uma alternativa dentro dos esportes modernos. O Hapkido Coreano tem sido reconhecido como a arte marcial representativa de defesa pessoal e arte marcial viva juntamente ao Taekwondo. O Hapkido é reconhecido como uma arte marcial cultural da Coreia, produto de muitos mestres que foram enviados afora e que se aprofundaram. Itens como técnicas de conduzir uma pessoa, imobilizar uma pessoa e defesa pessoal, os quais utilizam técnicas típicas de Hapkido, tem sido designados como matérias para a polícia e departamentos relacionados à guarda de universidades. Eles também foram organizados como material de treinamento prático para policiais e a guarda empresarial. No processo de desenvolvimento do Hapkido Coreano, muitos problemas, como o não estabelecimento da legitimidade, devido à percepção obscura da história; a falta de instruções unificadas, derivando em diferentes mudanças nas técnicas; e a insuficiente força administrativa, surgindo de diferentes organizações, foram expostos. As tarefas a serem resolvidas para o maior desenvolvimento do Hapkido Coreano são o estabelecimento da legitimidade através de estudos acadêmicos, a sistematização de técnicas através da manutenção teórica e técnica; desenvolver o programa de treinamento do Hapkido para sua popularização. Acima de tudo, entretanto, a construção de um sistema integrado de Hapkido Coreano que possa ser administrado de maneira integrada deveria vir primeiro.
키워드 Palavras-chave: Formação, Desenvolvimento, Hapkido Coreano
- KIM, J. P.; CHOI, J. K.; SONG, I. H. 한국합기도의 단체통합을 위한 정체성에 관한 소고 A Study of Identity for the sake of Organizational Integration of Korean Hapkido. 한국체육과학회지 Korean Journal of Sports Science. Vol.19, N° 2, 2010.
The purpose of this research is to propose identity for the sake of organizational integration of Korean Hapkido and also directions for further developments thereof. To accomplish this purpose, the researcher sets up research issues in a specific manner. Along with proposals of identity issues of Korean Hapkido and its directivity, the conclusions drawn therefrom are as follows: First, for integration of Korean Hapkido by making it as regular sporting events, it is required to establish a clear-cut system firmly for the promotion test of Dan or Poom grades. Second, the systematic integration of techniques of Korean Hapkido should have to be accomplished in a form of conformity to the target project as prescribed in the Traditional Martial Arts Promotion Act, as well as to the directions that have been pursued by the Korea Sports Council. Third, the problems relative to establishment of the historical view of Korean Hapkido and of the thoughts therein should be overcome by means of defining the history of Hapkido in a clear-cut manner, and through radical reform Fourth, it is a matter of language or terminology related to Korean Hapkido. To get rid of this problem, it is thought that we are required to attempt to change the relevant languages and terminologies with decisive and progressive thinking, for Korean Hapkido had been recreated as a martial art in a completely new form, having introduced the Hapkido developed in other country to Korea with a drastic recognition of the connection to the historical background of original creation of Hapkido. Taken the aforementioned contents together, the organizational integration of Korean Hapkido will bring changes into the playing regulations, techniques, the system of training activities, instruction methods, historical view, the thoughts in Hapkido, and so on, and these will also bring about an effect of technical integration of Korean Hapkido. Through this, we will be able to establish the identity of Korean Hapkido, and also to accomplish the uniformity of technical system involving regions, government authorities, and affiliations, as well as integration of Hapkido organizations.
키워드 keywords: Korean Hapkido, organizational integration, identity